Hayley is a perpetual and humble learner, and strives daily for growth. Though Hayley’s one true love is the 5:30 am class, a busy schedule has her training whenever it is possible. She balances impressive, full-time med-school workloads and social quality time with classes and regular extra work at the gym. In this spotlight, Hayley shares valuable lessons and insights about her dedication to both medicine, friends and fitness. Read more to learn about her self titled “Hugeness” (As depicted in the above image).

What does an average day-in-the-life look like for you? (food, training, work, recovery, leisure time, etc.): 

Between COVID schedule disruptions and being a student, I don't really have a typical "day-in-the-life". However, there are certain routines/ activities I try to fit into my day regularly - it's just when these things happen in my days that I often need to adapt around my current schedule. These things include the following:

1) Sleep

I wish I could be one of those amazing humans that can function perfectly (or at all, really) on minimal sleep. But for me, I feel best with 8 hours of sleep. This of course isn't always possible, but I do my best to tailor my schedule to make it happen. Over the past year or so I've been really working on improving my sleep hygiene. I bought an alarm clock so I can put my phone away before getting into bed. Now instead of scrolling through instagram, I read a few pages of a book before bed, and what do you know.... I sleep way better!!

2) Physical Activity

In a perfect world my daily physical activity includes a CrossFit class WOD + extra work or cycling/ running/ swimming/ a long walk. While I truly love CrossFit, I am also someone who enjoys getting outside, so I like supplementing my CF with outdoor activities! Again, oftentimes this schedule needs adjusting. For example, I currently have extra free time as I transition from Med school to Residency and therefore I am enjoying lots of physical activity. However, making time for 30 minutes of physical activity a day while I was on a busier rotation was an accomplishment!

3) Food

I start pretty much every morning with berries, yogurt, granola and PB. I've been eating this same breakfast for >10 years now, and I still love it! I meal prep my lunches for the week when I'm working. This is typically some variation of an arugula salad with yams, chickpeas, feta and hard boiled eggs (thanks for the recipe, Lori!). While eating the same meals all the time can be a bit tedious, the mental bandwidth it saves me and low prep time makes it totally worth it! For dinners I am a huge "Good Food Box'' fan. I know I'm going to have a tasty, and filling meal made quickly! I'm sure they are not always the healthiest, but the convenience is hard to beat. And, in all honesty, I'm bound to eat out a night or two each week.

4) Social/ Leisure Time

Interacting with friends and family is something that I find very energizing. I think this is a huge part of the reason I love CrossFit, because I can check my physical activity box and social interaction box in one go! I also try to allow myself some time to "turn off my brain" each day. For me this often means watching a TV show, playing a game with my roommate or reading a book. I find making time for these traditionally unproductive activities serves to improve my focus, productivity and mental wellness in the long run.

5) Work

I just graduated, and started my residency at Queen's in July. The majority of my time will be spent working in the Emergency Department. Additionally, my training includes specific teaching shifts, academic days and individual studies. This will be a new schedule for me, and therefore I anticipate needing to make some changes to my existing habits to make it all work!

Do you consider your training or athletic performance when you are making food choices?: Yes

Have you changed the way you eat since you began CrossFit, If so, how?: 

I think the philosophy of CF which focuses on general well being and performance rather than specific rules or diets has changed my thoughts on eating. I now see the importance of food as fuel. As cheesy as that sounds, it has been a really positive shift in mindset for me. Like many folks, young women in particular, I can say I've had periods of time where my relationship with food has not been positive. Since starting CF, my caloric intake has definitely increased, as I know that's what my body needs to refuel. Additionally, I've been more mindful of my macros. I don't do any formal counting/ diet planning. However, I am now more inclined to ensure I'm getting protein at each of my meals, and that my snacks are primarily protein based.

However, I am far from perfect with my diet. I admittedly have a moderate-to-severe sugar addiction, and often take comfort in my favourite treat/ "cheat" meal. All this to say, my relationship with food has certainly improved since starting CrossFit, however I still have work to do!

How does training/CrossFit fit into your life?: 

I think CrossFit fits into my life for a number of reasons. First, I am someone who likes learning new things, and working towards goals. I can honestly say I learn new stuff every week because of CF. Sometimes this is practical stuff - like a new skill, or improvement on my technique. And sometimes it's more interpersonal. Like, I can force myself to keep going when I want to quit, or remembering that failing at something is okay and part of the process. I think the latter has greatly impacted my resilience and mental wellbeing outside of the gym!

The community atmosphere of CrossFit also fits well into my life. When I'm busy, I love that I can check many things off of my to-do list in a one hour class. I can catch up with my friends and get a tough workout in, all at once! Additionally, there have been many instances where I've been having a not-so-great day, and stepping into the gym has made me feel instantly better. It's because of this that CFQS/ QSF has become such an important part of my life.

What reasons did you have to train when you started CrossFit? Have those reasons changed? If so, how?: 

I initially started CrossFit to switch up my routine as I was starting to find my normal gym routine tedious. My physical activity is certainly no longer boring! As I've continued with CF, I definitely have new priorities. Of course I do CF for my physical health, but also for my mental health. Again, the philosophy of CrossFit that encourages you to focus on your individual progress, take failure in stride, and put in the continued work to achieve new goals has translated to other aspects of my life. Seeing how my time in the gym has positively impacted other domains of my life really encourages me to keep training!

What improvements have you made in the past 6 months that you are most proud of?: 

I'm proud of the fact that I've stopped (completely) ignoring my weaknesses. I really struggle with squats, and have for a long time. This spring I did an 8 week squat cycle (thanks, Chris), and now my squats are only somewhat terrible! This is a win for me!

Do you currently have a main focus or goal(s) with your training? : 

I honestly don't have any specific training goals at this time. In the summer, I will be transitioning to a new schedule/ workload. My main focus is maintaining the habits that I've developed up to this point, and continuing to focus on my training despite this new step.

What would you consider to be your greatest strength as an athlete?: 

I think my greatest strength is that I'm coachable. There are many moments I can recall where small technique tips or pacing strategies have made a world of difference for me. There is so much knowledge amongst the staff (and athletes) at the gym, and I think making a conscious effort to integrate it into my workouts has made me a better athlete.

What is one thing that you do everyday that you feel is essential in contributing to your success in the gym? : 

I think that trying to focus on the positive makes a huge difference! When I'm focused on having fun rather than "being the best'', I feel way less scared to go for that heavy weight or look like a weirdo practicing that new skill.

If you could give yourself one piece of advice when you started CrossFit, what would it be?: 

You should have signed up sooner! Also, don't be afraid of looking silly. I remember for the longest time I was afraid to practice the Olympic lifts in open gym because I was worried I would look dumb. I continue to be impressed by how supportive and encouraging everyone is at CFQS - I had no reason to be nervous!

Do you have a go-to self-pep talk? (i.e. something you tell yourself when things get hard with training or during a workout): 

I find the group atmosphere very motivating! I love the friendly competition amongst other athletes, it definitely pushes me. Pretty much all my self-pep-talk during a workout revolves around being done the workout! Ie. "Only XXXX more minutes/ seconds", "you'll finish sooner if you keep going", etc.

Is there anything you would like to add? : 

Nope! Thank you!!